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Time to say goodbye ….

It is astonishing to me how fast time flies on the ship. Seriously – I always joke that the Engineers keep a deep dark black time-warp hole somewhere on Deck 2 (or even in the depths of Deck 1 …?) that sucks in time or at least fast-forwards it whilst you are trying to desperately hold on to it. Please, God, I NEED some more time.

I need more time on this ship. Time to build deeper relationships. Time to sit together with people and talk about everything and nothing. To worship just one more time with that awesome team. Time to work together with those funny, awesome OR nurses who I love so much – just one more day, please? Time to place one more really tricky IV into a tiny, malnourished 4 month old kid or a 16G (that’s a big one 🙂 ) into a patient with a tumor to be prepared for sudden blood loss. To do one more smooth fiberoptic intubation with my boss and watch the perfect and precise stitching of our surgeon on a kid’s lip. To hold the hand of a scared patient one more time while we let him fall asleep. I need more time to make it to the OBF dress ceremony to celebrate the healing of our lovely women’s health ladies and to participate in all of those amazing Mercy Ministries opportunities.

God, I need more time on this ship.  Time to sit in the café and sip on a Chai Latte while this very gifted young man plays his uplifting tunes on the piano. Time to babysit that sweet family’s kids just one more time. Flossing, brushing, tucking in and reading bed-time stories. Time to sit in the dining room and gaze out of the window, admiring the beautiful clouds reflected in the ocean. Time to sit on the dock and be amazed by nature’s beauty shown in the colourful and exotic fishes swimming by. To pluck another hibiscus blossom and tuck it behind my ear. Time to explore the island and go snorkelling at prune island like I always wanted to but never made it. Time for just one more Badminton match with the Gurkhas (Yes, PLEASE!).

I could go on and on about why I need more time. But time is merciless. My time here passed way too fast and although I tried to make the very most and best of it, there cannot be enough time for me. I still have a couple more days left on the ship and I will try to fill them with as much love, laughter and great opportunities as possible.
I know I will miss this place and a part of my heart will stay here. Stay with the people I have come to know and love. And although people on the ship constantly change and people leave all the time, the environment of the ship, this special place has captured my heart.
So who knows what the future may bring? I might be back 🙂

And to any of you who ever thought about doing something like this – serving with a faith based organisation that does excellent work – DO IT! It will steal your heart, it may break your heart sometimes, but it will enrich your life and fill your heart with joy. And I promise you, you will learn. A lot. More than you would ever learn in any textbook.

And now I will close this laptop and get back to this environment, cherishing every minute I have left.

Be blessed, catch you later!

©2015 Mercy Ships - Photo Credit Katie Keegan - Anesthesia Providers Silke KESSING (CHE) and Marguerite MCDONALD (CAN) prepare a patient for surgery
©2015 Mercy Ships – Photo Credit Katie Keegan – Anesthesia Providers Silke KESSING (CHE) and Marguerite MCDONALD (CAN) prepare a patient for surgery


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