Getting ready for Benin! And some fun ACTION photos ;)

Hey, guys!

Just a short update from me – we’re finished wrapping up our week of Basic Training, which included firefighting, First aid and CPR, learning lots of new Acronyms and having a lot of fun with the practical exercises including firefighting and training in the water in our immersion suits/flipping the life raft etc. ย ๐Ÿ™‚


“No horseplay!” But … GIRLS just wanna have FUN! ๐Ÿ™‚
Yup, there is a proper way to abandon ship and jump from a diving board in an immersion suit ๐Ÿ™‚
Boarding a raft in a suit -not as easy as it looks – always good to have an experienced Captain on your team! Thanks for the assistance, Captain Jon Fadely! (Can you guess which one is me?)


If you’re going into a container fire, you better make sure you have a trustworthy BATTLE BUDDY! Thanks for being mine, Johnny Mather! Check!


Man, it was HOT in that container! They let it rise to 500 degrees … Gearing up and gettin’ ready to put that beast out for good
Gotta love this girl!
Fireteam Alpha ready to go ๐Ÿ˜€
Securing the inside team, cooling down the door from the outside
Can’t contain these girls ๐Ÿ™‚
Just me ๐Ÿ™‚


My awesome On-Boarding peeps – don’t we look SERIOUSLY PROFESSIONAL?


It’s been a great couple of weeks, an honor and pleasure to be at the Mercy Ships ISC (International Support Center) here in Texas and meeting and working (and fire-fighting) alongside these amazing people.

At the moment the bunch of us On-Boarding peeps that will go to the Field Practice and then the shipย are preparing for our departure on Thursday morning, when we will head out to the Children’s home in Abomey. It is being run by Daslin, a former Mercy Ships Crew member. We will arrive there on saturday and are excited to learn more about the Beninoise culture and to serve the kids in the children’s home. On November 4th we then head to the ship and get settled in to start at our workplaces. ย I’ve updated the prayer request page and will keep doing so as we progress, so feel free to have a look in there at any time inbetween.


The ladies’ smallgroup lead by the wonderful Erin Kirk


October 3rd – someone needs to show some patriotism, eh? ๐Ÿ™‚




What else is going on? Well, for oneย I am working on the presentation of my final project, if you are interested, I might post the written version in an upcoming blogpost, some stuff straight from my heart, so let me know what you think and stay tuned for that!

Over and out for now!
Love ya!







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