Silke's cancer journey- a story of God's faithfulness

Hi, friends and followers of the blog!

I decided to share my cancer story from 2021 and our experiences during this time on this blog as well, may it be an encouragement to you. It was a rough journey, and the path continues to be rocky and painful at times, but God’s faithfulness is evident in this journey. You can find some snippets below from my journey that I shared with our Mercy Ships family via our intranet and with some of you along the road in personal mesages.

I don’t know if you know God or not, but He knows you and He sees you. Even more than that, my friend, He loves you with an unfailing love that conquers all. Know that you can always reach out to Him and He will meet you there. Right where you are.


Blog written on the Mercy Ships Intranet, Navigator

Our prayer requests, written on the Mercy Ships Intranet, Navigator